Wednesday, October 29, 2008

long time ago...

Okay, it's been long enough ago that I last posted that my address bar didn't recognize my blog address. Sad.

But you see, I've had to prevent myself from blogging. Actively. Because I had a bit of a secret, and I didn't know how to blog without telling the secret. But the secret is out now, so I can make it public.

I won something.

Not by myself. I'm working with a producer in LA, Anil Baral, to develop a screenplay on Marie Curie, called A Noble Affair. This is the "scientific story" I've alluded to many times over the past few months. He and I have been working on this project for a year now, and we submitted it to the TriBeCa Film Institute for consideration for a Sloan grant. (The Sloan Foundation encourages the depiction of science and scientists in film.) 130 entries, 5 prizes. And we got one.


So I'm excited. I found out a couple of weeks ago but they said it shouldn't be made public until they made their announcement. Can you say, "Sitting on your hands"? I so wanted to tell everyone I saw. I did tell a lot of people, more than I should have, but I felt guilty. But they did announce it yesterday. So it's official now, and I can tell everyone. I can even tell people what the screenplay is about, since they're also publishing our logline. Well, they're only telling half the story (we do show her pursuit of the isolation of the element radium, but we also show her personal life), but that's okay.

I will provide some links below. Not cleverly embedded in sentences, just bald.

I'm pretty darn excited to have my name in both Variety and the Hollywood Reporter. I did an internship at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival and manned the Hollywood Reporter booth at the Palais des Festivals and the (SOMETHING) Hotel--why can't I remember its name? Starts with an M--and have wanted to subscribe since then, though I was put off by its price tag.

The articles basically say the same thing, but I thought I'd include them all. And I'll keep you updated on the progress as it comes.


trish said...

Congratulations, Kathryn! I can't wait to hear how this continues! :D

Julie P. said...

Awesome news! Congrats!

AlexFam said...

Kathy how fantastic!!!

Your hard work is paying off.

Congratulations, Best of luck.


Andrea said...

Wow, that's huge!!! Congrats!